The Boy is Oz – Kobi Oz
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 July 2010 09:50 Written by bryfy Tuesday, 27 July 2010 09:47
A few years ago Kobi Oz, a well known Israeli musician and lead singer in the band Tipex, made a splash in international circles with a Eurovision entry which created some controversy among the peace loving nations of Europe. “Push the Button” may not have won Eurovision but it certainly attracted some attention at the time.
Since then, Kobi Oz, has been performing for more and more diaspora audiences and bringing his personal narrative and experiences to thousands of people who may have previously been unexposed to this truly unique individual.
This latest collaboration with MAKOM is an exciting and dynamic approach to bringing contemporary Israeli culture to Jews all around the world.
Makom on Kobi Oz’ Mizmorei Nevuchim
Included in this website are interviews, songs, lyrics and questions – many of which will inspire and bring you to reflect upon your own personal relationship with Israel.
I really like arts and culture as a medium for education. When an artist presents their work – whether it be a painting, song, dance, or even a photography they hand over the responsibility of interpretation to the audience. For an artist there can be no right or wrong. But an artist if they are successful must inspire, bring about an emotive response, and possibly even transform individuals. Kobi Oz, in this collaboration with MAKOM, begins to do just that.
Bryf – Read this amazing article by Kobi Oz about identity – completely honest and very relatable to many of our own experiences
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A review of this album can be read at