
Last Updated on Sunday, 31 January 2010 07:37 Written by bryfy Sunday, 22 November 2009 05:18

Israel as a Cornerstone of Jewish Identity
We all know it’s important but still it is often difficult to articulate. This session will explore they ‘why’ of Israel in Jewish education as well as introduce us all to some innovative ways to bring Israel to life in the classroom. Through the lens of contemporary Israeli culture we will look at ways in which Israel can and should be considered an integral component of anyone’s Jewish education.

Love, Tension and Humor in the Holy Land: Israeli Society Through Contemporary Film, Music and Television
Description: This session will look at some of the confronting issues in Israeli society today through the medium of contemporary arts and culture. Eyebrows will be raised, and questions asked as we take a look at Israel – the way Israelis see and portray it.

Organizing a Mifgash (encounter) with a group of Israelis

Planning an Israel Experience Program

Utilizing Contemporary Israeli Music in Jewish education

What are Israeli teens downloading onto their iPods?

The Centrality of Jerusalem in Jewish Life

Secular Zionist Approaches to the Utopian Dream

Israeli Society through contemporary Film and Music


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