Dixie Chicks and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

Last Updated on Monday, 29 November 2010 07:56 Written by bryfy Monday, 29 November 2010 07:55

It’s been a while since I posted last so it must be something big that has brought me back into the blogosphere….

By now many of you may have already read the New York Times November 19, 2010, article: Bar Mitzvah Studies Take to the Web

You may in fact be one of the 61 people to have commented on that article. Or you may have already been drawn into another person’s blog on the topic including: The Fifth Child, Next Level Jewish Education, Cantor’s Canvas

It appears that this article has struck a nerve – people (that would be Jews, are really taking notice of this one)

Interesting given that in recent months similar themed articles have appeared in many Jewish Press Outlets and raised barely a tweet.

What is it about this New York Times article that appears to have raised such consternation?

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Shanah Tovah

Last Updated on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 04:12 Written by bryfy Saturday, 4 September 2010 03:37

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Olay Olay Olay Olay: Jewish Peoplehood and the Mondial (World Cup)

Last Updated on Monday, 14 June 2010 08:51 Written by bryfy Monday, 14 June 2010 08:51

Recently I was asked about one of my favorite sites in Israel and why it meant so much to me. It took a few moments but then I recalled a place in Israel that always makes me smile – the soccer pitch at Kiriat Moriah in Jerusalem.

This pitch (if you can call it that) is a broken up piece of asphalt with barely visible markings and nets with gaps in them the size of soccer balls. And for those of you who know Kiriat Moriah, and have lived there and eaten in her cafeteria, you may be even more surprised with my choice of favorite Israeli site.

But I hearken back once again to 1990 and World Cup fever had descended on all of us. As an Australian growing up on Aussie Rules and cricket I was rather surprised to learn that there was in fact a world sport and that involved a round ball. But after the initial shock I began to learn a thing or two. Argentineans and Brazilians, who had been best of friends for many months, could come to blows during a soccer match. Grown men could cry inconsolably as never heard of before Cameroon defeated their heroes. And everyone who wasn’t British seemed to despise England.

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